Swiss Water Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo Gr2 - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Swiss Water Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo Gr2 - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Swiss Water Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo Gr2 - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Swiss Water Decaf Ethiopia Sidamo Gr2 - Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Mountain Water Decaf Process Colombia


Notes: Lemon zest, maple syrup, cocoa, clean, balanced


During Mountain Water decaffeinated process, the green coffee is pre-soaked in water to expand the beans for caffeine extraction. The hydrated green coffee is then introduced to a unique solution of concentrated coffee solubles that draw out the caffeine while minimizing the loss of flavor compounds. Once the caffeine has been removed the green coffee is re-dried and re-bagged for transport, and the extract solution is filtered of its caffeine and recycled to be used again.


Net Weight 8oz / 225g
Region Colombia
Varietal Caturra, Typica, Castillo, and Colombia
Processing Fully washed and dried in the sun
Altitude 1300 -1600 m
Use Methods Espresso, French press, filter


Brew Recipe Espresso Hario V60 French Press
Does 19g 22g 26g
Baratza Grinder #1 #12 #20
Water weight 49g 350g 400g
Water Temperature 200F 198F 200F
Brew Time 28 secs 3.5 mins 4 mins


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