Guatemala Huehuetenango European Preparation - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Guatemala Huehuetenango European Preparation - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Guatemala Huehuetenango European Preparation - Rocanini Coffee Roasters
Guatemala Huehuetenango European Preparation - Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Panama Finca Isabel


Notes: Baked apple, orange, raspberry, peanut butter, herbal, chocolate


Panama is an origin that constantly makes headlines in the specialty coffee world mostly associated with the renowned Gesha variety.  But there are a number of complexities that influence specialty coffee and it would be a mistake to reduce the complexity of this famous growing region to nothing more than plant variety.  With this lot from Finca Isabel, there is an opportunity to explore the impact of terroir and generations of coffee knowledge passed into the process.  Finca Isabel has 500 acres cultivated with coffee, meticulously divided into plots with distinct varieties planted based on landscape and micro-climates, which influence the maturation and ultimate quality of a coffee seed in different ways.


Net Weight 8oz / 225g
Region Jaramillo Abajo, Boquete, Chiriquí, Panama
Varietal Catuai
Processing Fully washed and dried in the sun
Altitude 1400 - 1800 masl
Use Methods Filter




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