Green Matcha - Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Green Matcha


From the Katō Family in Uji, Kyoto to your cup. This is a perfectly smooth ceremonial grade summer harvest from the finest growing region in Japan.

The Katō Matcha Summer is perfect for the daily Matcha drinker, it pairs excellently with a dash of milk, as a latte or in your morning smoothie.

1) Sift* half a teaspoon of Katō Matcha Spring into a preheated vessel
2) Add 1oz of 75ºC water
3) Whisk to create a consistent level of foam 
4) Top up with desired amount of hot water 
*the sifting process is not crucial, it simply helps break up the tea evenly and ensures a more consistent Matcha paste

Region: Uji, Japan 

Harvest: Summer                                                                                 

Ingredients: stone-milled Japanese Matcha green tea


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